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          Photos of Santorini

Santorini with the unique caldera and sunset view is a cosmopolitan and romantic cycladic island. As you arrive at Santorini island by boat, you see the caldera and at the top of it Fira town, the capital of Santorini. Due to short distances every day I visited different villages and beaches. Akrotiri village where ruins of a Minoan city where found, Oia village with the beautiful sunset and gourmet restaurants and the red and black beach named after their sand color. In the evening I used to relax in one of the coffee shops situated at the edge of the caldera in Fira town and enjoy the view. For dinner I either preferred fancy restaurants with international cuisine or small taverns serving traditional Greek dishes. Then I used to go to trendy nightclubs or ethnic bars for a drink. Usually the day ended by having a snack before a good "night sleep". 

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View of the Aegean Sea from Santorini Greece.

Fira town, Santorini Greece.

Panoramic view of Oia village, situated at the north part of Santorini, Greece.

Chapel on caldera rima, Santorini island, Greece.

View of Fira town from the sea, Santorini, Greece.

Traditional church at Oia village of Santorini, Greece.

Caldera view, Santorini island, Greece.

Perissa village, Santorini, Greece.

Findings from the excavations in Akrotiri village of Santorini, Greece.

Kamari beach, Santorini, Greece.

The Red beach on Santorini island, Greece.

Central road of Fira, the capital of Santorini island, Greece.

A ship that is anchored next to the volcano island in Santorini. View of Fira from the caldera on a cloudy day, Santorini, Greece Perissa beach, Santorini, Greece. Famous sunset of Santorini island.

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