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Pictures of AgNikolaos-Elounta Greece Pictures of AgNikolaos-Elounta

Ag. Nikolaos & Elounta, With the Highest Standards
Agios Nikolaos and Elounta, both former fishing villages, are now two of the most attractive destinations in Crete and the most important cities of the Province of Lasithi. Built over the ruins of the ancient harbor that served Lato, an ancient Roman city whose ruins you can visit, Agios Nikolaos is often compared to Saint Tropez in France. The road from Agios Nikolaos to Elounta is just 11km. In Elounta you can find Olous, the ancient city, one of the most interesting sites in Crete. Part of Olous sank due to a land subsidence and you see it in the shallows where the water is calm! Don’t forget to visit Spinalonga, the most famous island of Crete, located on the north-west entrance of the bay of Elounta.

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